Mountain Wave is a 501(c)(3) Oregon and Washington Corporation founded in 1992. We are 100% volunteer and 100% donation supported. Mt. Wave’s mission at that time was primarily communications and technology support. Currently, with almost 100 members, we offer many services when requested. We have evolved into a full service Emergency Services Agency that provides services to local, state, federal, and our served agencies:




Wilderness terrain often obstructs radio communication, and many rescue situations occur beyond the reach of cellular telephones and modern public safety radio systems. Compounding the problem of terrain obstacles, SAR communications are almost always hampered by incompatible radio equipment and frequencies. Large search operations can span multiple counties, and on Mt Hood for example, more than 28 different agencies and organizations are involved in SAR responses. Many of the same issues are also present in times of natural disasters and other emergencies.

Mountain Wave deploys mobile dispatch centers, people and equipment to overcome geographical challenges. We can link together all responding organizations, track and record resources, provide GIS and mapping, tech support, and maintain communications regardless of their radio equipment. We also maintain caches of radio, satellite trackers, GPS, and other equipment.

Almost all Mt. Wave members are Amateur (HAM) radio operators, and several are FEMA certified ComL’s or ComT’s.

Cellular phone tracking:

Mt. Wave is nationally known for pinpointing the location of Cellular phones. We also have a cell tracking application developed by MW, and other resources that can be deployed as needed.

Emergency Medical Services:

Our members include EMR’s, EMT’s, Paramedics, Nurses, and Physicians. Mt. Wave is a registered EMS agency with our own Physician advisor. We provide EMS services from basic to advanced life support.

Special Vehicle Unit (SVU):

Our SVU team includes extreme 4X4’s, Quads, and snow machines. The team can provide containment, transportation, vehicle recovery, and can search hard to access areas. They also are trained to deploy communications equipment in hard to reach areas.


 Ground Search Team:

This elite team consists of certified type 2 ground searchers that primarily support our K9 teams. The team can be deployed as a ground search team without K9’s as needed.

Management Team:

The team consists of current and former Incident Commanders and other ICS positions from Law Enforcement, Fire Agencies, and Emergency Management that are available to respond to assist agencies with ICS and management for large or extended events.

Food Service:

We are developing a team of support members that can cook and provide food to emergency workers on SAR missions and other large scale events. The team will be ready to deploy soon.


Mt. Wave has a team of licensed pilots, support personnel, and equipment ready to deploy. The equipment includes a custom built SAR drone, FLIR and 4K cameras, special software, and several other commercial drones. 

Wildland Fire Team:

A team of trained members and equipment are available to respond and provide communications or other support to the State Fire Marshal on fire conflagrations, or other fire agencies as needed.

Other Services:

Mt. Wave has several well equipped tactical dispatch and support vehicles. We also have light plants, generators, chain saws, shelters, rehab trailer, equipment trailer, caches of extra medical, communication, satellite tracking, GPS, and computer equipment that can be deployed to missions as needed.


We have several MOU’s and support many agencies in the region. To activate Mt. Wave call 866-689-2831 24x7x365. Your agency does not need an MOU with Mt. Wave to activate us for a mission.