First-Line Communications Unit
COM4 is usually the first vehicle to be dispatched on missions. It's a 1992 International Truck that was formally a Neonatal Ambulance, Donated by American Medical Response (AMR) to Mountain Wave. This vehicle is 100% donation funded. COM4 was built and equipped by members of Mountain Wave to provide dispatch, mapping and event-logging services of Emergency Incidents. COM4 is FEMA Type Certified. Some of it's features include: Commercial/Public Safety 800MHz, UHF, and VHF Radios, Amateur Radios including DMR, and a 50ft Antenna Mast.
Command Unit
COM5 is a 2000 Ford Expedition and was donated by Hoodland Fire District. COM5 is our Command unit. It is equipped with Public Safety and Amateur Radio capabilities to assist in Incident Management.
(Under Construction)
COM6 is a former Rescue Unit donated by Hillsboro Fire Department. It is currently in the stages of being built-out by Mountain Wave members.
Reserve Communications Unit
COM 8 is a 1991 International Truck. It's a former Rescue Unit Donated by Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue. The equipment and assembly of COM8 was donated to Mountain Wave by Day Wireless. Some of it's features include: Commercial/Public Safety 800MHz, UHF, and VHF Radios, Amateur Radios including DMR, large TV screens for looking at maps and drone footage, and a fixed FLIR thermal imaging camera.
First Aid Trailer
First Aid Support Unit
This 1999 Wells Cargo Utility Trailer is equipped with limited communication equipment and is fully loaded with First Aid Medical Supplies. This unit is designed to support our Medical Services Team as needed on missions and events. It houses supplies for our Paramedics, EMTs, EMRs, and First Aid trained members.
Special Thanks to our Sponsors: